Battle of the Rockets

The 2024-2025 Battle of the Rockets team at their first prototyping meeting.

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025

The Battle of the Rockets is an intercollegiate, national rocketry competition that tests each team's skills in design, teamwork, and subsystem integration. There are three different competition categories to choose from, so there can be multiple teams from one school if they so choose. The competition is designed such that anyone can join without any prior experience, which makes it a great opportunity for members to build their skills.

This year's Battle of the Rockets team has decided to compete in the Mars Lander Event, which they will fly on April 4-6. They will be designing a rocket and payload that will be deployed at 1,000 feet of altitude. Then using a custom-designed robotic arm, the payload will place an instrument on the ground near the landing spot, then take a picture that will be sent to the ground station. Using their engineering and problem-solving skills, they will have to achieve all of this while conforming to the descent rate and budget constrictions. Wish them luck!